How to Maintain a Healthy Diet During the Holidays

The holiday season is a time for celebration and indulgence, but it can also be a challenge for those who are trying to maintain a healthy diet. In this article, we will discuss strategies for staying on track with your nutrition goals while still enjoying the festivities.

Choosing Your Priorities

When it comes to eating during the holidays, it's important to be honest with yourself about your priorities. If your main goal is to enjoy yourself and not worry about tracking your food, that's perfectly fine. However, if you have specific health and fitness goals, some form of restriction and self-monitoring will be necessary.

Tips for Different Goals

If you're trying to gain muscle and are eating a caloric surplus, you may choose to not track your food but still focus on hitting your protein and calorie targets. This allows for a more relaxed approach to tracking while still making progress towards your goals.

For those who are maintaining their weight, it's important to have a good sense of what's in the food you're eating. You can intuitively eat and keep a mental count of your daily intake to stay within a pound or two of your target weight.

If your goal is to lose fat during the holidays, tracking your protein and total calories can be enough of a relaxation to feel less restricted while still staying on track. You can also try eating fewer calories on days without planned events and carrying those calories over to days with events.

Eating Mindfully

Regardless of your goals, it's important to approach holiday eating mindfully. If you choose to overeat, be aware that it is a conscious decision and you may experience some fat gain. However, if you want to lose fat or maintain your weight, some form of restriction and self-monitoring will be necessary.


The holiday season doesn't have to derail your nutrition goals. By choosing your priorities and being mindful of your food choices, you can enjoy the festivities while still staying on track. Remember to listen to your body and make choices that align with your goals.

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